Convention Registration
Regular Registration Fee $230
Jr Joey Registration $150
Jr. Joey's are children ages 8-15. If younger than 8 you will have to get approved by Regina Wollrabe (503) 807-2584 (COAI Board Jr. Joey Chairperson) This is not a babysitting service, it is for youths who really want to be clowns. Her email is: [email protected]
International Registration Fee $150
This is for all participants who reside outside the Continental United States coming to the convention which includes Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico.
Daily Rate Only $50
This will be available in April. The daily rate does not include and food or the party. You will have to pay extra for those events.
Animator Deal Only $50
Includes: 1st or 2nd row seating in all classes, shows & competitions; Early seat selection at theme party, luncheon & banquet; Special recognition badge, etc…
Extra Luncheon Ticket $40
Extra Party/Dance Ticket $15
Extra Banquet Tickets $60