Clown Pledge & Prayer
I pledge allegiance To a world of clowns, And that for which they stand, For red noses and big shoes, For rubber chickens and kazoos; One alley, under God, To promote laughter and Goodwill to all Northland Clown Guild Alley 217 C.O.A.I. Mission We are dedicated to the art of clowning and to bringing joy and happiness to everyone. Northland Clown Guild Alley 217 P.O. Box 7492, North Kansas City, Missouri 64116 Email: [email protected] |
Prayer of a Clown
Help me to create more laughter than tears, dispense more happiness than gloom, spread more cheer than despair. Never let me grow so big that I will fail to see the wonder in the eyes of a child or the twinkle in the eyes of the aged. Never let me forget that I am a CLOWN…that my work is to cheer people up, make them happy, and make them laugh, make them forget momentarily all the unpleasant things in their lives… Never let me jeopardize the integrity of clowndom by improper conduct. Help me to always make others proud of my actions as a clown. Never let me acquire financial success to the point where I will discontinue calling upon my Creator in the hour of plenty. |