Auction Items...
Below are pictures of the auction items that we are aware of so far. The auction will be on Friday April 28 from 2:30-5:00pm. The money raised goes into the education fund which supplies money for scholarships and many other education related needs as they come. Bid high and bid often!!!
Circus Bag Full of Goodies
Ringling Bros and Barnum & Baily Circus Bag, a plastic cloth RBBB bucket with RBBB plastic Circus Cups and a RBBB large Clown Nose with an elastic strap. In addition you get a RBBB Big Top Grill (pictured on right bottom). Also includes three Circus Motion Animals that move via a solar cell with some kind of light. This is the last year of this circus- what a collector's item!
Glitter Tatoo Set
Bid on this great Glitter Tatoo Set. You get two Glimmer Body Art Glitter Tattoo sets, each with 4 containers of glitter, one glue bottle, three brushes and several tatoos. One is a Princess kit, and the other is a Pirate kit. You also get 7 more containers of glitter, one glue bottle and one more brush. Over a $100 value.
Sharing A Smile Norman Rockwell Collectors Plate
This is a Norman Rockwell design collector's plate numbered A12595. It has a certificate of authenticity included with the plate. It is the twenty-third plate in the limited edition Rockwell's Heritage Collection the first series to pay tribute to the unique panoramic history of life in Twentieth-Century America.
Tommy the Clown Collector's Plate by John McClelland
This is a Collector's Plate depicting "Tommy the Clown" by John McClelland numbered 16181C produced by Reco International Corp. It is the first issue in the McClelland's Children's Circus Collection made by the Edwin M. Knowles China Company. It comes with a plate hanger and the authenticity remarks are on the back of the plate.
Raw Spice Bar one month subscriptions
Freshly ground, recipe-ready flavor kits, delivered for $8/month . Gift certificate for free kit for the 1 st month . Subscription will auto-renew thereafter. Value $8- 5 available.
About RawSpiceBar: Freshly ground , recipe-ready flavor kits for cooking global dishes at home. Buy spices & our m onthly subscription kit. Delivered direct to your door for $8/month . |
Ringling Bro's & Barnum & Bailey Circus Programs
18 Souvenir Programs from past Ringling Bro's & Barnum & Bailey Circuses. Includes 1989 Featuring the Amazing Tahar and Alligator tank, 1990 Featuring a White Rhino Black Leopard, 1991 American Family Tradition featuring David Larible, 1996 125th Anniversary featuring David Larrible, 2000 Featuring Sara and the Tigers, 2001 Featuring Bo & Bello, 2002 Featuring David Larible & TM the Gator Guy, 2003 Featuring Bello & Tigers, 2004 Featuring David Larible, Crazy Wilson & Motorcycle Mania, 2005 Anniversary featuring Bello (Torn Front cover), 2006 Circus of Dreams, 2007 Bellobration, 2009 Zing Zang Zoom, 2010 200 Years of Barnum's Funundrum, 2010 Illuscination. 2011 Fully Charged, 2012 Dragons, 2013 Built to Amaze, and 20014 Legends. Quite a collector's Item now that the Circus is in its last Season!
Calliope Magazines from 2004-2013 + Others
Bid on these 42 collector Calliope's from 2004-2013:
2004-July-Aug, Sept-Oct, Nov-Dec. 2005- Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr, May-June, July-Aug, Sept-Oct 2006- Mar-Apr, May-June, July-Aug, Sept-Oct 2007- May-June, July-Aug, Sept-Oct 2008- Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr, May-June, July-Aug 2009- Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr, May-June, July-Aug, Sept-Oct, Nov-Dec. 2010- Jan-Feb, May-June, July-Aug, Sept-Oct, Nov-Dec. 2011- Jan-Feb, July-Aug, Nov-Dec. 20012- Jan-Feb, May-June, July-Aug, Sept-Oct, Nov-Dec. 2013- Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr, May-June, July-Aug You also get the 45 Annual Ararat Shrine Circus Program, The Super Cirque Program from Canada (Signed by Vappo the Clown), Saltimbanco Cirque Du Soleil Official Program, and a Mehron Product Guide. |